Saturday, December 15, 2012


Love came and moved along.
Doubt and fear ruled my life.
Will I forever be alone?
Time has passed me by.
Nothing seems to change,
 though doubt and fear no longer reign.

With hope and faith alive.
 I am free to answer my call.
 I have love in my life,
 not for one, but for all.

The world should know,
of a love that never fails.
It’s eternal and will forever flow,
that  through time it will prevail.
The amazing love of God.


Who laid the foundation for the Earth?
as the morning stars sang together?
Who laid its cornerstone
 as the angels shouted for joy?

Only you, only you.
Only you, all mighty God

Who made the borders of the seas,
when they gushed up from the deep?
Who stopped the seas by giving them shores?
Who said this is where your waves shall seize?

Only you, only you.
Only you, all mighty God.

Who commands the morning to appear?
Who caused the dawn to rise in the east?
Who has told the daylight to spread?
Have you ever dressed the dusk in red?

Only you, only you.
Only you, all mighty God.

Do you know the laws of the universe?
Can you shout to the clouds and make it rain?
Can you cause lightning to strike,
wherever you want it to?

Only you, only you.
Only you, all mighty God.


Little tree remember the spring.
When your white flowers were in bloom.
We frolicked in your shadow.
On you, our names and hearts we engraved.
//As a sign of our true love.//

little tree now that winter is here.
My love has left me. I fear.
When all seems so silent and bright.
I am alone with the chill of the night.

My friend, little tree.
If by chance you see her pass here.
Don’t tell her of my tears.
//Just tell her that I love her.//

Spring flowers will soon appear.
I will face tomorrow, without any fear.
I will never forget that spring day,
When upon you little tree.
 //Our love was made so clear.//

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